Its one of Edmontons oldest fundraisers in support of Santas Anonymous, and this year Edmontons Motorcycle Toy Run marked its 33 year
As many as 2,500 bikers, some that have been participating from the 1st ride, amassed at Capilano Mall Sunday morning.
Today we celebrate one of the greatest accomplishments in Edmonton history, where we come together for the 33rd yearly Edmonton Toy Run, Jay Padilla, who sits on the Toy Run board, said. Its amazing what this community can do.
With toys strapped to their bikes, the
riders made a convoy down Whitemud Drive towards Hawrelak Park.
The yearly event kicks off the giving season for 630 CHEDs Santas Anonymous Campaign.
There are so many kids in Edmonton that dont get to celebrate the spirit of Christmas and this is kind of the yearly kick off for Santas and theres no better way to do it than with toys strapped to the backs of their bikes, Padilla said.
Santas Anonymous has been founded by Jerry Forbes with the simple intention of ensuring every child in Edmonton had a gift at Christmas.
Today, the charity relies on hundreds of volunteers to make that happen.
In the three decades since it began, the number of kids who get gifts has grown from 600 in 1955 to over 25,000 last year.
When these guys come together its really amazing what we can do, Padilla said.
Sundays Toy Run ended with a barbecue and entertainment for the hundreds of bikers who came out to support the charity.
Globals Gord Steinke took part in the ride.